2011 Amstel Gold 第三
2009 Flèche Wallonne 第十
2009 Liège-Bastogne-Liège 第十
2011 Amstel Gold Race
2011 La Flèche Wallonne
2011 Liège-Bastogne-Liège...........三冠王
GreenEdge 指導Matt White 表示:The next big goal for Gerro is the Ardennes, and if he can nail one of those three and then something again in summer, then he'll be in the top 10 [in the world at the end of the year]
我還是衷心祝福,希望你能追隨前輩Phil Anderson, Cadel Evans 讓澳洲人再次站上世界公路車舞台
2. Garmin-Barracuda 春訓營...他們春訓好久
去年三巨頭挑擔沒水喝(果然是內鬨),Tyler Farrar 連盤爺的尾燈都沒看到...
今年Robbie Hunter 鳳還巢...希望有一番新氣象

Tyler Farrar 練衝刺


美國隊長跟Dan 帶其他人團騎...這坡有陡的!

唉唉...我希望能看見Garmin 車隊完全發揮,威風八面啊
3. 盤爺在去年世錦賽戴非法安全帽?

會爆出這條新聞是因為Lotto-Belisol 在TDU 也想這樣惡搞,卻被攔下來
UCI 表示:It is forbidden to add external elements to the helmet...
但是當大家質疑在哥本哈根發生的事情時,他們卻這樣開脫:The start in Copenhagen was pretty chaotic, so we could not control everything. But I don't think we would take the World title away from Cavendish because of this.
So, if UCI says legal, you are legal. UCI tells you illegal, you are illegal...