他自己在fb 這樣表示:
Dear my teammate and people in Malaysia
I go to TEAM NIPPO-DE ROSA 2013.
thank you for 2 years with terengganu.
I want to try European race again.
and show the riders
I went to Europe for 10 years and I was racing in Asia for 3 years.
as I saw the riders who had chance to go to Europe race and come back to Asian races.
because european race is harder than Asian race.
I decide to be a good model for them.
to be strong the rider should try harder.
It was very nice time with TSG and I find many talented riders.
I love my team mates and always ready to help you.
I do my best this year.
2. Katusha 2012 賽後剖析|CyclingNews
Q 半仙心得:
2.1. J-Rod,世界一...當所有人拚命的想搞爆對手們,J-Rod 幾乎都可以笑到最後...難得吉貝囧一年,他完美把握機會,名留青史
2.2. J-Rod 是贏了古典賽(以及許多單站),卻也輸了環義環西(這感覺就像王建民拿19 勝,卻依然搆不上20 勝而無緣賽揚獎一樣)...糟
2.3. Denis Galimzyanov 驗出EPO 陽性...糟
2.4. Alexandr Kolobnev 爆料,與Vino 交相賊...糟
2.5. J-Rod 跟隊經理發生齟齬,大老闆就草率的把隊經理換成Екимов...糟
2.6. 但最重傷的是,車隊備妥所有銀彈以及文件之後,UCI 日前卻宣佈不發WorldTour 賽證...搞得J-Rod 放話要帶著他的班底閃人
2.7. 放眼2013,車隊的賽證定位未明,如果J-Rod 爆缸班真走了,還能指望誰? 慢車夫?!
3. Mont Ventoux|inrng

目前紀錄是2004 Dauphiné 途經Mont Ventoux 由Iban Mayo 憑著順風寫下55m51s