
繞圈賽40 圈,居然從第26 圈單飛出去一直到終點
我想Cameron Meyer 小朋友今年也該要大爆發了吧!
2. Astana 大咖來拍照
Jani Brajkovic

Borut Bozic

Vincenzo Nibali

Andrea Guardini

3. 關於把手帶

4. Garmin-Sharp 2012 賽後剖析|CyclingNews
Q 半仙心得:
4.1. Ryder Hesjedal 一站未得,拿下2012 環義,寫下隊史,環義史,加拿大公路競賽史的紀錄
4.2. Sep Vanmarcke 拿下2012 Omloop Het Nieuwsblad 震撼人心,可惜轉隊了
4.3. 小將輩出Michel Kreder 跟他弟弟Raymond,Ramunas Navardauskas,Nathan Haas,Andrew Talansky...還有精壯的澳客們Lachlan Morton, Rohan Dennis, Steele Van Hoff plus 以及回鍋的德州佬Caleb Fairly
4.4. 身為一支速度底的美帝車隊,本土比賽Tour of California, Tour of Utah, Colorado's USA Pro Challenge 均表現不凡
4.5. 從Saxo - Tinkoff 挖來Nick Nuyens,大大增加古典組競爭力
4.6. Farrar, Zabriskie, Vande Velde, Danielson 這群老班底漸漸遲暮,最多再5 年吧
4.7. ㄟ...Daniel Martin 呢?
5. J-Rod 真會走? 去哪隊?|inrng
2.15.110 Riders The number of riders in each UCI ProTeam may not be fewer than twenty-three (23). The maximum number of riders per UCI ProTeam which may be registered with the UCI is restricted according to the number of new professionals under contract (within the meaning of article 7 of the joint agreement concluded between the CPA (Cyclistes Professionnels Associés – Associated Professional Cyclists) and the AIGCP (Association Internationale des Groupes Cyclistes Professionnels – International Association of Professional Cycling Teams) in the following manner:
Number of new professionals under contract to the UCI ProTeam Maximum number of riders registered with the UCI 0 28 1 29 2-5 30
So a squad with 2-5 neo pro riders can have 30, whilst a team without a neo-pro is capped at 28. Note that a rider is classed as a “neo” in their first two years.
先說一下J-Rod 班底:Vicioso, Moreno, Losada, Florencio...想簽J-Rod,這四隻也要同綑簽下去
Movistar:沒亞成鳥,25 員...殘念
BMC Racing:亞成鳥2 隻,26 員...有機會,但BMC 已經夠多大咖,怎麼分配賽事曆(特別囧爺跟TJ 也是要拼環法)
Omega Pharma-Quickstep:現在車隊沒了GC 頭頭(Levi Leipheimer 囧了),老闆銀彈夠多,有機會!
Lampre-Merida:已目前車隊殘破的陣容,挖世界一來補強是不錯的選擇...ㄜ...J-Rod 會說一大粒文嗎?
Vacansoleil-DCM, Argos-Shimano, Astana...ㄣ...M A Y B E... ...
其實新成立的Pro Continental Team IAM Cycling 很不錯啊!成員空間夠,老闆又有野心(本來是想引誘坎爺跳槽,但Radioshack 的合同...),如果挖到J-Rod 團隊,掙得外卡的機會就更多了
其實,Q 半仙目前最期待的就是J-Rod 事件的發展...
回覆刪除澳洲,米國的公路賽是奠基在criterium 上...圈圈繞得好,要飯要到老...
刪除在UCI 場子裡是不行的,大概回澳洲渡假的時候玩玩繞圈賽可以穿出來