雖然日產跟車隊的贊助合同簽到2013,不過他們將依循Rabobank 的腳步與車隊切割
2. Alessandro Ballan 在BMC 冬訓營摔傷
3. Galimzyanov 坐兩年車監
被驗出EPO 陽性,他自己也承認
2012.4.13 開始算,2 年
Katusha...這支2012 賽季總排名第二的車隊 ,怎麼...
4. J-Rod 對Katusha 的現況生氣了
容我摘取一段J-Rod 的意見來曲解:We're not worried because Katusha is a good team and we all focused on having a great season (in 2013). But at the same we're all a bit lost because we don't know what's going to happen. We're all free (to change teams) until the CAS decides something. I hope things don’t get drawn out too long. I'm 33 years old and I want to ride the best races in the world. I hope that Katusha can guarantee me those races. I feel part of this team, it's my team too in lots of ways.
但其實...CAS 的判決都很慢...Q 半仙悲觀得認為Katusha 2013 囧定了
那一隊缺爬坡攻擊好手? 把J-Rod 整個團隊挖去吧!
5. Panache 的定義|inrng

Typically a rider with panache is said to be one who attacks, displaying courage and flair. But the surprise factor counts and a rider who wins too often can lose this label.
威鯨在Rouleur Magazine 這樣闡述:All this panache business – they can kiss my arse, these people. Who’s got panache? These people that go on stupid pointless attacks? I don’t like panache.
經過Q 半仙破英文理解後翻出來的中文:大膽的,華麗的,衝破十二層頂巔煎熬的,英雄式的攻擊
Good old day 不再啊...讓我們再緬懷一下Merckx 爵爺1969 年環法Pau-Mourenx 站的風采...
6. CyclingTips 2012 介紹過的車子,你喜歡那一輛?

我喜歡7-11 Merckx,以及Stainless Steel FireFly