Roy 表示:We’ve reached December 5 and FDJ still doesn’t know in which division it will be next season. It’s risible and very restrictive. How can we prepare a race programme when we don’t know if we’re participating in the Tour Down Under next month? The licence commission met on November 26 and we still might have to wait until the end of the week to know who will be left in the WorldTour: Argos, Lotto, Saxo-Tinkoff or FDJ?
也對喔!Tour Down Under 快要開跑了ㄟ!
2. Team MTN-Qhubeka 掙得了Pro Continental 執照

車隊21 人中有15 人來自非洲大陸
三爽大方的簽下贊助...hTㄈ想不想把手機賣到非洲去? Show your money...
3. 2012 只剩一個月,讓我們跟著inrng 一起回顧今年是多麼無比精彩,Part 4

再回味一下2012 倫敦奧運女子公路車賽
要贏得要有好策略,克服嚴峻的天氣,以及足夠成為實力基礎的好運...誰有? 女武神Vos