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2. 啥? EPO 根本就沒效?!

荷蘭The Centre for Human Drug Research 教授Adam Cohen 表示:Athletes and their medical staff may believe EPO enhances performance, but there is no evidence that anyone performed good experiments to check if EPO would actually improve performance in elite cyclists.
EPO 信仰的核心是藉由EPO 而提高紅血球含量而增加VO2max 也因此產出更多功率
但Cohen 指出這根本就沒有證據... 在實驗室中自願受虐的測試者跑VO2max 20mins,遠遠不及Pro 們5 hrs 的比賽強度
這篇發表在英國臨床藥學期刊的論文結論:There is no scientific basis to conclude EPO has performance-enhancing properties in elite cyclists. Additionally, the possibly harmful side-effects have not been adequately researched for this population, but appear to be worrying at least.
3. 2012 只剩一個月,讓我們跟著inrng 一起回顧今年是多麼無比精彩,Part 5

4. 我的腿只能長時間輸出24N-m 的扭力
而我的曲柄172.5mm 長,換算下來大約是對踏板施加14kg 的踩踏力量