他與Sky 的合約到2012 年底,加上Sky 公佈的禁藥零容忍政策...Rogers 選擇另謀出路
他自己表示:I’m very excited to be joining an extremely strong and experienced squad at Team Saxo-Tinkoff for the coming seasons. I feel I can have a positive effect particularly during stage races ranging from just a few days right through to the Grand Tours. I certainly look forward to the many new challenges that lay ahead.
Saxo-Tinkoff 除了網羅Rogers 加上之前挖角的Roman Kreuziger, Nicolas Roche, Matti Breschel, Oliver Zaugg, Rory Sutherland, Timmy Duggan...我感覺這隊已經度過小史出走潮準備重回高峰了
Sky 陣中輔佐威鯨的三大domestique 只剩弗嚕米以及波提...2013 戰績會不會下滑?
2. Chris Froome 重申:我在環法不是故意要海放威鯨的

他自己表示:I’m sorry that he lived it like that. I never rode against him even if not many people realised that. If I attacked, it was to gain time on those who were just behind us – above all Nibali, who is a great rider and will be Wiggins’ main rival at the Giro 2013. I was always loyal, 100 percent.
另外,他自己也擔心體內的吸血蟲:It’s a parasite that is carried in water and enters the skin, attacking the red blood cells. You feel exhausted and your immune system is weakened. They diagnosed it two years ago and I hope that I don’t have any more relapses.
3. inrng 帶我們看完2012 的精彩,那不精彩的呢?
3.1. 無聊的2012 環法

3.2. Jakob Fuglsang 與Radioshack 的衝突

3.3. 大史被驗出禁藥...

3.4. The Death of Euskadi
3.5. 壯爺案
