2012年4月30日 星期一

20120430 AQ報報

1. 因為禁藥坐過車監的人能不能比奧運?

今天CAS 會公佈...等著看吧...

2. 最近GIANT 真是風光,Tour of Turkey 2012 - Stage 8

頭鎚王帶得好,Bos 再下一城


3. 另外,保加利亞老將Ivaïlo Gabrovski 拿下Tour of Turkey 2012 GC 1 之後,有可能被Pro Tour 車隊簽走嗎?

他自己表示:If I get a chance to join a ProTeam, of course I’ll go for it. I’m looking for the best contract. I’m open to any proposal. Right now, nobody came and talked to me about it. This is a great victory for [Turkish continental team] Konya Torku Seker Spor. I’m proud that my arrival into this team helped to grow it. My victory is not a surprise. It’s the result of hard work. I’ve been a cyclist since I was eight years old. I’ve been a pro for 15 years. I don’t have a normal life like other guys or girls. Now I smile to the public because I share my victory with all Turkish people but I have a difficult life. I’m a serious guy. This is one of the biggest exploits of my cycling career.


4. 2012 全日本選手權

公路車男子精英組 土屋雪廣

公路車女子精英組 萩原麻由子(三連霸)

