2013年4月24日 星期三

20130424 AQ報報

1. 噴射機在環義前夕宣佈退休

Lampre-Merida 英文版新聞稿

他自己表示:I feel it’s time to dedicate time for myself and to go in search for new interests. My career has been full of satisfactions and enriched by all the most important victories that a rider like me could ever have aimed for. At the threshold of 200 victories in my career, I feel my life reaches a particular moment, a turning point, in which I perceive the need to find a new dimension and to have more time to dedicate to my family. These considerations conclude me to the decision to pause my career.

Petacchi was a powerful sprinter but was quiet and reserved. He loved animals and had a parrot at home, using a webcam and an mobile phone to ensure it was okay while he was away at races.

Q 半仙會想念你的....

再來,就是期待Roberto Ferrari 能不能成材

2. The BikeSpike


3. 這件事很值得大家想想

Q 半仙轉貼自神壇...

Q 半仙只覺得:作者錯別字真多...

2 則留言:

  1. 正想說AQ大怎麼對雜牌軍事件保持沉默......果然.....

    1. 要說得太多...但正規軍禁不起罵,假正規軍面皮兒薄,雜牌軍就更部是難以招架

      要我對台灣車壇有什麼評論:No comment...
