Fabianissimo at home!!!
1.1. E3 Harelbeke 他主導,Tour of Flanders 他無情(merciless 說得真好,哈!),Paris-Roubaix 他工於心計...連湯不能最忠實的粉絲都不得不肯定他的成功
1.2. OPQS 裡的新生代Zdenek Stybar, Michal Kwiatkowski, Stijn Vandenbergh 都展現了天賦,找湯不能的接班人更待何時
1.3. Sep Vanmarcke 幫Blanco 露臉,想想他三週前那一摔@Tirreno-Adriatico 站都站不好,Gent-Wevelgem, Flanders 跑得踉蹌,Paris-Roubaix 竟然站上頒獎台!來這麼一下不只讓Blanco 有更多籌碼上談判桌與有意贊助的企業周旋,Sep 經紀人應該也會開始接到電話,並且開始煩惱這挖角戰得怎麼應對
1.4. SKY 古典組囧斃了,Ian 沒表現,湯馬士火車雷聲大雨點小,EBH令人失望...撒錢挖Sep 好了
1.5. Stijn Vandenbergh, Zdenek Stybar 都因為與觀賽鄉民擦撞而失去競爭機會,在Twitter 上開幹引發民憤...但誰叫他們不騎路中間而挑路緣(比較髒,人又多)走...可以有更多的圍欄來保護彼此安全嗎? 難!所有石板路段加起來有50km 長ㄟ
1.6. 拿高薪,被指定為受保護的主將--Filippo Pozzato (Lampre-Merida)石板路系列表現令人失望...從1999 年Andrea Tafi 之後就沒再贏過Paris-Roubaix;而2008 年褲內狗贏了Tour of Lombardy 後,一大粒人就只剩靈魂,沒再嘗過The Monuments 勝利的滋味了...
1.7. BMC 也囧...Ballan 傷癒中,雷神根本就是來養老的,飛泥失去光芒,幸好有Greg Van Avermaet 穩定而且一貫的表現不至於讓經理們臉紅不知往哪兒擺
1.8. Sylvain Chavanel--據說他是這次OPQS 主將,有嗎?
2. Alexander Serebryakov (Euskaltel-Euskadi) 被贓到使用EPO
Euskaltel-Euskadi 車隊聲明:Euskaltel Euskadi cycling team has received this afternoon a communication from the International Cyclist Union reporting an adverse analytical finding concerning the cyclist Alexander Serebryakov, who was tested the 18th of March while he was training at his home. True to its commitment towards a clean and credible cycling, and in application of the internal rules of procedure consistent with this spirit, the team has decided to immediately expel the cyclist from the team and suspend him of employment and salary. The team is astonished that some riders have not yet understood that cycling should be a clean sport without shortcuts, so it condemns emphatically this type of behaviour.
3. 大推!