2013年4月11日 星期四

20130411 AQ報報

1. 關於之前網友曾質疑Nairo Quintana 怎麼強到可以贏Vuelta al Pais Vasco 2013 GC,有doping 嫌疑?

inrng 這一篇寫得很好 The Dark Side of the Moon

Quintana 是這樣成長的:I come from a small village called Boyaca that is at 3,000 metres above sea level. Every morning I rode to school down in the valley 16 kilometres away. And in the evenings you had to climb back up home. We did the route with five friends. I was the strongest so I started racing. I did my first race aged 16 wearing football shorts and sneakers. That day I was bitten by the cycling bug. So winning this, a race like the Tour de L’Avenir, it’s a huge feeling. I think a lot about my parents, my disabled father who’s unable to work.

Quintana hasn’t come from nowhere but won the Tour de L’Avenir in 2010.

inrng認為就因他來自較落後國家(相對於歐美,不是台灣),所以在車隊中站不上一線主將,媒體也對他不友善...如果他叫Nathan Quinton, Nico Quentin, Nikita Konstaninov 就完全不是那麼回事了

A typical piece of American crap...


2. 想再快一點?試試甜菜根吧

盤爺是這樣推薦的:Doesn't matter how often it happens, taking a pee the day after drinking beetroot juice will always freak you out!!


有看過玩命關頭12345 的人都知道,他們開外掛加速時會把NOS 閥打開,把NO 灌進引擎裡(再來不是炸缸就是海放眾生)



3. 整脊真的對騎車超有幫助|IAM Cycling


