1. Eneco Tour 我們會看到噴射機披上OPQS 戰袍亮相
2. 高原訓練到底有沒有效?讓我們來看看數據...
高原訓練part 1
高原訓練part 2
2.1. 高原訓練不會改變你天生的心肺能力,例:VO2max
2.2. 高原訓練會讓肌耐力與排除乳酸的能力提高
3. Serotta 吹熄燈號?
Serotta CEO Bill Watkins 表示:We were notified last Tuesday that all chances for funding had fallen through, and that they did not anticipate funding for at least 45 days. I informed them that I would begin shutting down, laying off employees and looking toward the end. Right now we are working on keeping our heads high and honoring our commitments to our customers and our employees; we need to get everybody paid, and get bikes out. We are communicating with our dealer network every day. It is not pretty, but even amidst crisis you can still act with dignity and responsibility, and that is what we are trying to do. I don't know whether [the closing of Serotta] is permanent of temporary, but we have a two-week runway so we will have a nice, gentle landing. I have no idea what the owners intend to do. But one day soon Ben and I will turn out the lights, leave the keys on the table and walk away.
2013年8月1日 星期四
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