Route:Ghent 198.9km
1 Luca Paolini (Ita) Katusha
2 Stijn Vandenbergh (Bel) Omega Pharma-Quick-Step Cycling Team
3 Sven Vandousselaere (Bel) Topsport Vlaanderen-Baloise
Matteo Trentin 摔斷鎖骨...還順便撇掉了湯馬仕小火車
Geraint Thomas 展現企圖心,追到第四名,本季石板路大戰不容小覷


Greg Van Avermaet (BMC)後方一點點也依樣畫葫蘆,我期待他今年春天有所斬獲
與蝦帥合體之後,共10 員:Chavanel, Van Avermaet, Thomas, Paolini, Roelandts, Vandenbergh, Vandousselaere, Garcia, Wynants, Bandiera
在Paddestraat & Lippenhovestraat 的石板路上,Vandenbergh 火力全開,只有Paolini 跟上

Paolini 身高174cm,Vandenbergh 身高199cm...這根本是大衛與歌利亞的對決
逃往終點的過程中大多由Vandenbergh 帶頭(大排氣量引擎就是有優勢)
Paolini 其實也知道如果一直躲在後面,贏了也不光彩,也是奮力出頭

兩人就這麼相濡以沫,直到最後100m 才啟動衝刺
Paolini 略勝一籌

石板A 咖們騎得保守,大集團進終點
賽後Paolini 表示:To be honest, I was afraid he would attack because I was tired, but then I could see that he was really very tired, too. I rode with Stijn at Katusha in 2010, and I knew that I was quicker than him on paper, but it was still a relief to cross the line first.
Q半仙感嘆:沒想到還能看見像準名人堂經典Paolo Bettini 那種醜的要命的義大利姿勢率先過終點