“According to the CAS decision, the application of Katusha Management SA to be registered as a UCI ProTeam for the season 2013 of the UCI World Tour is granted.”
UCI 隨後發表聲明:The UCI acknowledges the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) decision to uphold the application of Katusha Management SA to be registered as a UCI ProTeam for the season 2013. The appeal to CAS followed the decision of the Licence Commission on December 7, 2012 denying the registration on the basis of the ethical criterion applicable to such registration.
The UCI will now evaluate the consequences of this ruling and will communicate further in coming days, as soon as such evaluation has taken place.
J-Rod 也第一時間知道這個消息,應該不會離隊了...他也認為,Katusha 確定會是ProTour,但也不希望目前本上任何一隊被降級...那就19 支ProTour 吧...
但Q 半仙認為,老謀深算的UCI 早就想到會有今天
1. CAS 也一起婊了Katusha 最好
2. 如果Katusha 確定要擠進來,那...就..."迫於現實壓力"放19 支車隊在ProTour 榜,大家都開心
3. 如此一來,McQuaid 放出大利多,對於他未來的連任之路,也許會比較有人挺他,而不選美帝LeMond
2. Seven Cycles 贊助inrng

也請大家多多捧場Seven Cycles
雖然Q 半仙也想