Thomas Löfkvist 緊咬不放

最後以11 秒之差贏了GC1

這是IAM Cycling 成軍後首勝!!恭喜!!
2. Dr. Ferrari 還沒完,近來最大查緝行動Operación Puerto 的Dr. Fuentes 又浮上來...
坎爺被掃到颱風尾,在環卡達最後一站賽前他受訪,聳聳肩:I have to stay unaffected. [In some way] it affects me but just because it makes me angry that something like that came out. That's what affects me more than the rest. I have more to do tomorrow than just seeing news about this Clasicomano Luigi. There are so many names. It's [similar] with Alberto, they say 'ah, AC is Alberto Contador' and I mean in the end, it's definitely not my problem.
但獅子王被Gazzetta dello Sport 咬住了:Cipollini used 25 blood bags before 2003 Giro d'Italia

3. 來點振奮人心的好了
Marianne Vos 的車房...
