2. 其實威鯨可以去開創一個減肥副業
Q 半仙看到威鯨說過:I’m 82kg in the off season, 75kg now and 70kg at the Tour. 驚為天人!
厚顏無恥得上twitter 問他好了...羞...
3. 年過完,開工了...你準備好要上車了嗎? Fitness Tests for Cyclists | Bicycling

像條死魚一樣躺好,舉單腳,若無法超過50-60 度表示屁屁太弱

改善方法:依樣畫葫蘆,盡力抬高,兩邊各10 組


改善方法:同側平衡,對側平衡,兩邊各15 組

改善方法:就這姿勢,左膝抬,軀幹旋轉,右肘碰左膝,兩邊各15 組

改善方法:右膝著地,雙手平舉8-10 磅啞鈴,立,換步,手臂不動,用軀幹力量把啞鈴擺往右髖,10 組

改善方法:多仆多健康,從30s 開始,1hr20m...
4. 想一窺職業選手生活與內心世界? ASK KOEN DE KORT|inrng Part 1,Part 2

Part 2 新鮮熱辣,道出他環卡達摔斷鎖骨後的復健與生活
When you go down in a crash and break your collarbone, who provides the medical insurance? The race organiser? The team? Is it your own? How well looked after are you in some of these hospitals? What are the best and worst countries to be in hospital? – Anonymous
I have been lucky enough to not have to rely on medical insurance too often during my cycling career but it usually goes through my own health insurance, even though I’m sure the race organiser and the team have great insurance as well. When it’s not necessary to go to hospital following a crash the team carries the costs of bandages, antibiotics and pain medication, for instance, which the team doctor will always have with him.
I have been in hospitals in France, Belgium, The Netherlands and just recently Qatar. The best hospital was Qatar – they have a hospital just for sports and have the best doctors from all over the world working there. I even had a few doctors and nurses waiting for me when I arrived at the hospital!
Luckily I haven’t been in any bad hospitals and hope it stays that way. But pretty much all of our races are in very well developed countries so I don’t expect to ever end up in a bad hospital.