來練兵的Orica-GreenEdge 們很悠閒...

這次比賽明星選手...Bos 有帶

2. Omloop Het Nieuwsblad @2013.2.23,大家都在準備了
最吸睛的莫過於OPQS 古典軍團

CX 巨星屎代巴轉戰公路車賽,前陣子表現頗亮眼,我期待本季他在石板路上的表現

Sep Vanmarcke 人呢? 加入Blanco 之後空白掉了? 喔!CNHD 有訪問他
3. Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne @2013.2.24
4. 盤爺表示:會參加Milan-San Remo,但不會太認真拼

去年在Le Manie 爬坡,被Liquigas-Cannondale 玩殘了...果然造成創傷症候群...XD
5. 該讓增強表現藥物合法化嗎?|inrng

inrng 這麼主張
5.1. First this is not like prohibition of alcohol or narcotics. Many drinkers might want a bottle of beer or a glass of wine but in doping the point is to get the edge on a rival, therefore to consume more than others. If some athletes were to take substances under correct medical supervision then others will not and will seek out doctors willing to give them megadoses or harmful medicine in order to get an edge. There’s no moderation here, you go from top-up to health risk in no time.
5.2. Second most banned substances are banned for a reason. Take growth hormone, consume enough to alter performance and you are consuming enough to cause medical concerns, such as the raising the risk of cancer or heart disease
5.3. There’s also a practical consideration in that drugs like the blood-boosting EPO just aren’t available for sports use. A doctor can’t prescribe them unless a patient is sick and even if sport allowed the use of these substances, wider society still regulates pharmaceuticals more than almost any other product
5.4. Also would you like to turn pro if taking pharmaceuticals was part of being a professional? Would this not encourage amateurs to imitate? Again it does not seem a very encouraging prospect
而牛津大學倫理學教授Savulescu 則表示:EPO should be allowed so cyclists can top up their red blood cell count, the haematocrit. After all athletes can go to altitude or use a tent so using EPO is fair too. After all a course of EPO is cheaper than spending weeks at altitude. If the result is the same then we should test for the health of athletes, for example checking that their blood is not too thick.
“One molecule of a growth hormone could not harm you, neither could two molecules. Finding and administering the safe dose is precisely what would be done in an open doping market.”
Der Spiegel, July 2012
Well...這個嘛~~Q 半仙認為要是開放就不再是車手之間的競爭了,車隊的戰術戰略也會不同(均速43kph 會比39kph 更有看頭?)
請個強的隊醫,好好控管就能贏比賽啦...拿人體當生化引擎操,這比F1 車隊偷偷越界還無良
玩過Pro Cycling Manager 這款電動嗎? 開放禁藥非常有可能會變成這樣子...
6. Michiel vd Heijden 在Twitter 上PO 出這輛車,搭載Shimano Di2 hydraulic road disc brake 的技安CX 戰馬

140mm 碟盤,細節未知...
但能確定的一點,Shiomano 油壓煞變把比SRAM 漂亮多囉...XD