2013年11月21日 星期四

20131121 AQ 報報

1. Allan Davis 找不到合約,但他還是繼續訓練,要想辦法留在歐洲賽場

Euskaltel, Vacansoleil-DCM, Sojasun 的消亡,讓市場上有一大票車手待價而沽

更別提Samuel Sanchez, Chris Horner 等大咖也都還沒簽約呢...

同胞Baden Cooke 也找不到合約,更何況是Allan Davis

但他最後表示:I’m still chasing a ride in Europe and that remains the plan. If something doesn’t come through I’ve got some other ideas. I’d like to stay in cycling. I’m just preparing like normal. I’m just staying in the frame of mind that something will come up, that’s all I can do.

2. 坎爺表示:跟Trek 簽的約可能是我生涯最後一份...

他語重心長的道出:I won’t say I could stop now because I’m still fresh, I’m still motivated and I have the fire you need, but the more you travel during the season, you say 'hey, maybe you’re getting older and older.' I’m not really super old but somehow I am old because I have so many years on my shoulders. Cycling is not everything in life. It’s a passion, a job, something I love and something I’ve taken a lot from. I’ve learnt a lot and it’s a big life experience but what is tomorrow? When something happens, what is tomorrow? There is a new life.

3. David Millar 也正在計劃他退休前的最後一個賽季,冀望還能迸出璀璨

4. 2014 Tour of Flanders 又改路線了

但,還是沒有Muur...2013 與2014 路線比較請點這裡

5. Chris King 要出輪組了!!!!


除了島野家輪組,Q 半仙最有興趣就是這家了...會是鬼島代工廠編的嗎? 相信很快就會知道了~

