2013年11月13日 星期三

20131113 AQ 報報

1. 明年還不知在哪兒落腳,2011 環西冠軍Juanjo Cobo 何去何從?

2012 因為牙齒問題,他表現不好,只抓下96 點積分...2013 只出賽了58 天,僅掙得60 點積分...遠小於2011 年的1048 點

他很便宜(相較於Horner 的要價),他還不想退休,但...


2. GreenEDGE Cycling 老闆Gerry Ryan 接下Cycling Australia 總裁一職...他適合嗎?

特別是出現利益衝突的時候,例:決定世錦賽陣容時...他要怎麼支持他的Orica-GreenEDGE 車手又不失公允?

Gerry Ryan 表示:Before I took up the position I went through a process with the board. There isn’t, according to the board — and certainly the Sports Commission ran an eye over what I do in cycling — they don’t see a conflict and in fact they said [Ryan’s other cycling interests are] probably beneficial going forward. It’ll go through the process — the sports commission and also CA — and I would step aside.

而CA 的代理CEO Adrian Anderson 則表示:I don’t think there a sport where conflicts of interest don’t exist. Like Mike Fitzpatrick’s the chairman of the AFL and he’s a shareholder of Telstra and ANZ Stadium or one of the equity holders. It’s the nature of sport that if you want people that are passionate and good and involved, there’s going to conflicts from time to time. Otherwise you’ll never get quality people like Gerry involved. You’ve just got to manage [the conflict] if there is one.

Q 半仙不是澳洲人,對於他們家務事不方便表示意見


