器材:Contador 使用SRAM 新的WiFLi Red 後變 @Vuelta

11-28T(甚至有時候是MTB X-Glide 11-32T)

超長腿WiFLi 後變,齒比容超大

飲食:Garmin-Sharp 是少數在歐陸有配飲食巴士隨行的車隊,看看他們在比賽中的"空中補給"策略

1. 由於身體一小時大約能產出250-300kcal,因此Garmin-Sharp 水壺的基本配方也就提供250kcal/500ml
Robby Ketchell(Garmin-Sharp 運動科學大掌櫃)表示:One of the most important tips for on-bike nutrition is to simply keeping a steady stream of nutrition in your system. Don’t wait 5k for a downhill to sit up and eat, it might be too late.
有興趣可以造訪infinitnutrition.us 混合出自己的獨門配方
2. 盡量喝你的秘方,以及吸能量膠...大多時候你沒空去咀嚼再吞下去,powerbar 就留在賽前或賽後吃吧
3. 溫度超過攝氏21 度時,Robby Ketchell 會拿出另一個配方:鹹一點,熱量只有100kcal 的飲料
原因是:On a hot day, you’re drinking a bottle about every 20-30 minutes, so you’re still getting enough calories per hour. Then the lower sugar content reduces GI stress, which is a bigger issue on hot days. It depends on their sweat rate, but each rider has between 230mg and 299mg of sodium (約0.58g-0.76g 食鹽)per bottle (500ml).