1 Elinor Barker (Great Britain)
2 Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig (Denmark)
3 Demi De Jong (Netherlands)
3rd Demi De Jong (Netherlands)

2nd Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig (Denmark)

2011 第二名,Elinor Barker (Great Britain) 在2012 更進一步,1st


Elite Women time trial: 24.1km
1 Judith Arndt (Germany)
2 Evelyn Stevens (United States)
3 Linda Melanie Villumsen (New Zealand)
Emma Pooley (Great Britain)今年為國家付出這麼多,即便只拿4th,連頒獎台都上不了,但我還是欽佩她

3rd Linda Villumsen (New Zealand)

美帝女超人Evelyn Stevens(USA),2nd

Judith Arndt (Germany)中狀元啦!

前10名有三個的德國人,Judith Arndt (Germany)拿金牌,惡魔迪迪可樂了



Judith Arndt (Germany)拿到2012 世錦ITT 金牌後,也將高掛車鞋,結束21 年車手生涯:Why am I stopping? Because I've had enough! I started in '91, and that's 21 years ago. I've had to train almost every day and I've had so many races, and you don't have time at home with your partner. It's just difficult and I don't want to do it anymore. I felt kind of emotional but also relieved that it's all over – not only the time trial but also my career. You'd have to make yourself suffer with every race and every training ride and it was getting pretty hard in the last few years, so it's nice to end with a success like this.