當2012 環西騎進Gran Via 繞圈作結時,peloton 讓兩位沙場老兵Grischa Niermann & David Moncoutié 領頭表示尊敬
Grischa Niermann 將在12月底退休
而David Moncoutié 則於環西結束後高掛車鞋,結束16 年職業生涯

2012 環法的嚴重摔車讓他萌生退意...但其實他的摔車史真是數也數不清
特別是1997 年Moncoutié 剛轉入車壇,最為人津津樂道的就是他糟透了的平衡感...特別是他為了穿雨衣而摔車的那一幕
2007 Tour de Romandie 那一摔真的痛徹心肺,股骨爆了,髕腱破裂,整整拄了6 個月拐杖
Moncoutié 回憶職業生涯的起始:I never dreamt about becoming a professional cyclist. It just happened because Guimard came to see me on the eve of the 1996 French national amateur championship with a contract and I signed it. I thought I’d do two years, only to see what it was about. Everything I’ve achieved has been way beyond my expectation.
1998 TdF 發生的Festina 禁藥案讓他聲名大噪,被稱為 the police
1999 年Frank Vandenbroucke 被贓到禁藥
2004 年4 月整隊Cofidis 因為Philippe Gaumont, David Millar 而終止賽程
2007 年Cofidis 們因為Cristian Moreni 退出環法..........是的,Cofidis 對於車隊管理很糟
但David Moncoutié 總是持續不斷地讓人看到純淨比賽的希望,贊助商一直沒走
Cofidis 大老闆François Migraine 表示:If I could, I'd have ten clean riders like David in my team.
但其實在比賽中很容易找到他,他不是兔子就是掉到最後,總是一人傴傴...對此,前教練Cyrille Guimard 表示:He was kind of a misfit who managed to conduct a pro career because he understood the rules, but a team with ten guys like Moncoutié wouldn’t be a team. He races alone. But he was very important for the sponsor because of the TV exposure: there’s always a camera at the back of the bunch too…
他就這麼特立獨行16 年,豐功偉業請點這兒
未來,還沒有計畫...先無壓力的騎騎車,逗逗10 月要出生的孩子...C'est la vie...