Q 半仙心得:
1.1. 首先期待古典賽Lars Boom & Sep Vanmarcke 會產生什麼化學效應,以及阿登賽段看Bauke Mollema 表演
1.2. 再來是觀察Jack Bobridge, Mark Renshaw 帶著荷蘭之光Theo Bos 衝刺
1.3. 最後是Robert Gesink 在多日賽中能不能與其他大咖匹敵
1.4. 對了!還有Luis Leon Sanchez...他應該可以撿個幾場勝利吧
大家都還年輕,大約在2-3 年後會完全熟成,雖然有管理鬆散以及目標不明確的包袱,但現在入主正式時候
2. 沙公2013 第一個目標是Milano-San Remo
但他不會參加Paris-Roubaix 以及2013 翡冷翠世錦賽
他自己表示:Milan-Sanremo is my first goal because it's the first Classic, while Flanders and Roubaix are the races I dream about winning. I'd love to win the world title one year too but the course in Florence is too tough for me this time. I've got to continue to develop and mature. I've got to become stronger in every type of race. It's easy to say I've got to improve on the climbs but I've also got to good in sprints too. I've been doing more or less the same things for three years. I've always improved and so I don't want to change too much for now.
3. Alessandro Ballan 終於離開加護病房,轉往正常病房了

4. Core|Bicycling
有專心看報報的看官都知道Q 半仙非常強調核心肌群的鍛鍊對於騎車有多大的幫助(而自己卻很懶得練...)
這篇報導詳盡的寫出核心肌群的重要性, 如何鍛鍊與
想騎的又快又爽?! 練練核心吧!