
2. 我們都知道第一個過終點的是弗嚕米...然而,最後一位是?
Jonathan Hivert (Sojasun) 落後弗嚕米超過50mins,連衝刺咖組合而成的爛巴士都比他早18mins


3. 弗嚕米表現得如此超凡入聖,當然很多人會猜他吃藥囉
特別是弗嚕米自己表示:To compare me with Lance... Lance cheated, I'm not cheating. End of story.
Alberto Contador 在賽後記者會聽到記者問這個問題,他憤怒的表示:I will give you two questions about doping, no more. I'll just go to my room if you want to ask more than that. There is no reason to doubt Froome's performance. He is a great professional. He is at a very high level and has been all year. His performances are because he works hard. Sometimes you are stronger, other times you are less strong, but I believe in his performances. And in any case, there are the controls.
法國路透社專跑自行車運動的記者Julien Prétot 昨天寫出報導I:Sky would give WADA data to prove team are clean;報導II:Sky would give WADA data to prove team are clean
反正去年威鯨也被懷疑,SKY 總監Dave Brailsford 已經司空見慣了
4. 環法休息日的大禮...恭喜老爺,賀喜夫人:Europcar 又簽了兩年贊助合約

5. 插播一下,Tour of Turkey 2013 冠軍Mustafa Sayar 被驗出EPO
今年三月Tour of Algeria 的檢體被驗出EPO,他拿第二
今年五月他拿下Tour of Turkey 冠軍
現在,他被暫時禁賽,有權利要求驗B 樣品...如果驗出來確定有用禁藥,就是坐兩年車監