2012 Tour of Rwanda (UCI 非巡賽2.2)剛結束,來看看Sonoko Tanaka 細膩的用鏡頭描繪比賽的悸動與當地人文
Q 半仙覺得:盧安達好綠好漂亮,環台賽要加油,否則很快就會被追過去了
2. Stuart O'Grady 再跑兩次環法?

他2013 確定會出賽了,如此一來便打平辛老皮的17 次出戰紀錄
他自己表示:There's a bit of pressure that there's going to be an 18th [Tour]. I'm all recovered now but the healing process seems to take longer as you get older. I'm looking forward to starting next season here in Australia before heading back to Europe. We'll hopefully build up for the Classics and the Tour de France – it will be number 17 this year. Obviously, time flies.
3. 恭迎雷神歸位

2012 一整季都在與病毒對抗,終於完全好了現在
他自己很高興的表示:I am training more and more, and am on track. I have not explored how much my body can handle, or gone to the limit. During this period, it is important to build my body up gradually, so that I get a proper foundation.
2012.12.10 BMC 冬訓營開始,他將與隊友們一起訓練...讓我們拭目以待
4. Whole-Body Cryotherapy

FDJ 弄了台車,在裡頭裝了秘密武器(從1978 年就已經開始發展的cyrotherapy chambers),選手比賽完就脫到只剩小褲褲,換上新的,乾淨的手套,口罩,頭帶和襪子進去被攝氏-110 度凍成冰棒(2-3mins)

Nicolas Roche 就曾經在環法爆缸站之後把自己丟進裝滿冰水的兒童充氣泳池中...凍得瑟瑟發抖:That's what everyone does to speed up recovery.
5. 寒流來襲騎車最討厭手指不聽使喚? 參考一下冬季手套吧

Q 半仙自己是用Castelli Diluvio...這雙的問題是戴久了出手汗,潛水服材質把所有水分都鎖在裡頭...