已經41 歲Jens 歷經東德訓練,東西德合併,1998 年Festina 事件,2006 年港口行動,2012 年USADA 咬壯爺
2. Voeckler 表示不拼環法頒獎台了

他自己表示:Before this season, I’d never prepared for the classics in that way,” Voeckler said. “I did it because I felt that right now, I have the level to play a real role there. It was the first time in my career that I was so sharp in April.
這兩年在環法賽場上的拼博,特別是2012 年從膝傷中恢復,拿下環法紅點衫
Q 半仙以為,這位成熟得認識自己的騎士,一定會迸發出更耀眼的光芒
3. Nicole Cooke 會隨著Emma Pooley 的腳步也"暫時休息"嗎?

就在Lizzie Armitstead, Elinor Barker, Lucy Garner...等日漸成熟之際,已經是貴婦等級的Nicole Cooke 下一步是?
Faren-Honda 隊經理Walter Ricci Petitoni 表示:She's not certain anymore what she wants to do. She's going to take a break and decide what to do.
以下...ㄟ... 這算跟車有關吧
4. 新的Retul Muve fit bike

喔!加裝了CycleOps PowerBeam 功率計...這樣才對嘛!

這輛往死裡騎也不會動的新車要價11000 鎂
但Q 半仙要提醒,fitting 這東西在台灣真的沒幾個人做得好
別以為拿到認證的就OK...多聽多看多參考...除了我之前推薦的Custom Fit
再加一個 星期五單車...參考參考吧
5. SwitchIt

fitting 利器...據說星期五單車有