I have recently made a full confession to Team Sky senior management about my doping history and understand that by doing so I will no longer be able to work for a dream team performing my dream job. I also understand that by doing this, I will have to face some more important consequences in the real world and with the people that matter the most to me.
I apologise to everyone, especially those associated with Team Sky for my past indiscretions. I made some poor decisions and have paid and will pay a huge price. I am taking responsibility, at the expense of not being able to finish what I started, with some of the best people that I have ever been associated with.
To this new generation of young riders; I hope that you will learn from the past and avoid the mistakes many of us have made. It is up to your generation to insure that the issues of the past do not affect your future. I am truly sorry that you all are dealing with something that you had no part in creating.
I know I cannot change my past, however, I do wish to remain in the sport of cycling in some capacity. I love it with all my heart and I hope that even though I made some poor decisions a long time ago, that I can continue to help contribute to the positive changes in this sport. I believe that it is a sport worth saving.
我覺得SKY 這個政策有片面的好處,但沒有想好超爽下台階方案
2. Greg LeMond 發表公開信大咬Pat McQuaid

"please join me in telling Pat McQuaid to f##k off and resign."
"Pat in my opinion you and Hein are the corrupt part of the sport."
繼LeMond 與壯爺互看不爽鬧出TREK 事件之後,LeMond 再度砲火齊發
他是個實誠人,說真話...至少我是這樣認為的,我也覺得Pat McQuaid 該辭職(還有裡開痔...)
3. 麥雞頭也是性情中人

4. Sep Vanmarcke 與'White Label' 前Rabobank 簽兩年約

不過有報導指出,今年春季賽之後RadioShack-Nissan 已經跟他簽下同意書,未來會轉隊跟坎爺一起打拚...等嘸人的RadioShack-Nissan 非常可能採取法律途徑給小朋友一點點懲罰
前輪框高35mm,寬26mm wide;後輪框高45mm,寬24mm(這數據應該猜得到甚麼影響風阻,剛性與重量了吧...)


輪組採用J-bend 鋼絲(花鼓選擇多到光想就頭暈!),方便使用又容易叫料...為啥一定要直頭?
UD 紗+消光漆 → 真是低調到不行,請注意貼標還是正三角方位喔...我覺得正三角方位的貼標跑起來最有動感了
用專用煞車皮,輪框保固5 年(喔喔喔喔),而且輪框摔掛還可以半價換新
ENVE 的保固真是不錯
SMART ENVE 3.4 的設計將細其他低風阻輪,特點在於較大側風角
其實我比較想要CK R45 花鼓+ DT AeroSpeed 鋼絲版本...
6. 到底是啥不能講...
就我的背景,我相信GIANT 的數據......即便我打死不騎GIANT 的車(當然,送我一台我會騎...)