Route:Utsunomiya 151km
1 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas-Cannondale
2 Daniel Martin (Irl) Garmin - Sharp
3 Rafal Majka (Pol) Team Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank
一萬八索,衝刺勝 奪冠

2. 其實Euskaltel-Euskadi 要給Oscar Freire 一年合約的,但他婉拒了

本來是再跑一年,後轉做車隊directeur sportif
但是2012 世錦賽的不如意,加上USADA 張口大咬,歐陸騎士覺得騎車比賽不再光彩
Oscar Freire 心裡撚絲...告別車壇...
3. 儘管風風雨雨,但Richie Porte 還是展望2013

對於人們對威鯨的質疑,他表示:People were questioning Bradley's form the whole year but at the end of the day Sky has a pretty good sports science background and we were all sure of where we were. Personally I wasn't in peak form, my best form was probably in February but we went to the Tour with a clear plan and executed it like clockwork.
SKY 與車手及車隊員工深切相談,並簽下反禁藥聲明...亡羊補牢,時猶未晚啊!