2. 你看看,老強(Vaughters)都認了...哪個男人沒過去?認了往前走就好啦

Vaughters has long stood by his stance against doping since his retirement, enforcing strict policies within his team and being vocal with the general public about his thoughts and ideas on how to fight doping within cycling. His opinions have always been projected through his team and his belief that it is possible to win clean despite his "colourful past".
"The answer is not to teach young athletes that giving up lifelong dreams is better than giving in to cheating. The answer is to never give them the option. The only way to eliminate this choice is to put our greatest efforts into [the] anti-doping enforcement."
3. 喔~撒母耳 Sanchez 即將傷癒復出

撒母耳預計將出戰San Sebastian
而台灣好朋友Amets Txurruka 也從斷鎖骨中復原,回到扛轎陣容