順便把他的副手Valerio Agnoli, Alessandro Vanotti 一起帶到Astana
同時Astana 的爬坡好手Roman Kreuziger 也有乳摸指出他將投身Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank 陣營(唯一沒變的,是騎Specialized 的車)
2. Fuglsang 可能不會鳳還巢,反而轉向Astana 或Omega Pharma

由於Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank 已經確定Contador 回籠,而且又簽下Nicholas Roche 以及Roman Krueziger 也可能加入的乳摸
他自己表示:I've not signed anywhere so I can't say. Nothing is signed. Right now I don't think Bjarne's team is one of them. I can tell you that Astana and Omega Pharma are the two teams I'm talking to the most. I would like to go and work with Bjarne again but I have to look at my own role on the team and for me with the investments he's making at the moment it might not be the right choice for me. He's going to have a really strong team with Contador back and other GC riders so it might not be the best solution for me, so that's why he's not number one on my list right now.
不過AQ 測度...Fuglsang 去Omega Pharma 也許機會多些...
3. POC 的飛碟帽
奧運時我們看到兩位瑞典甜姐兒Emma Johansson, Emilia Fahlin 戴的怪怪計時帽

