2013年10月30日 星期三

20131030 AQ 報報

1. 新任UCI 總裁薪情好不好?

UCI 揭露,Brian Cookson 擔任總裁的薪水是CHF340,000(就目前匯率,約NTD11,220,000),比起上一任Pat McQuaid 少了CHF110,000


2. Astana 對反禁藥車隊聯盟MPCC 玩了一把巧妙手段,簽下Franco Pellizotti

MPCC 規則2:Can’t hire, until two years, a rider tested positive and suspended more than six months.

想知道更多MPCC 規則請點這裡

但很顯然的Astana 簽下Franco Pellizotti,隨車隊練習...直到2014 年5 月再讓他上場

CyclingNews 認為:Astana appears ready to try to bend the MPCC rules by signing a contract with Pellizotti that begins on January 1 and allowing him to wear the Astana jersey and attend training camps.

但inrng 表示:This isn't bending the rules, it's breaking them.

Q 半仙認同inrng 的觀點!

3. Lampre-Merida 任命新team manager:Brent Copeland

主要是借重他的長才重建車隊並與國際接軌...看看Lampre-Merida 簽下世錦冠軍Rui Costa 擔任多日賽以及爆缸賽主將,留任Filippo Pozzato 對付石板路,而Diego Ulissi 也留下來鎖定單日賽...除此之外,也簽下Sacha Modolo 主攻衝刺,以及中國人徐剛開發426市場

4. Who had the biggest year in 2013? Albert Timmer!

Timmer--荷蘭文裡的"木匠"--沒有顯赫戰功,UCI 排名第110,甚至一整年Q 半仙都沒看到他的報導,但他是Argos-Shimano 衝刺列車裡重要的發動機,多少麥雞頭的勝績是他頂上來的

除此之外,無論是出賽里程還是出賽日都高居WorldTour peloton 之冠...


5. 騎車前,吃什麼早餐好?

How to Fuel for Your Ride
Moderately paced commuteHigh-intensity race or rideCentury or other long rideWeekend group ride
On days when your slow-to-moderate rides are sandwiched around an eight-hour desk session, avoid fast-burning fuel. Instead, reach for protein, healthy fats, and high-fiber veggies, fruits, and grains, which will keep hunger at bay until lunchtime. 

 Scrambled eggs with vegetables, mixed berries, and a slice of high-fiber toast with nut butter
Your body will be left with little energy for digestion. "Top off your glycogen stores with extra carbs the night before," says Marrs. Two hours preride, eat a low-fiber breakfast with a small amount of protein plus fast-release fuels, which clear your system quickly. ­

 A piece of toast and a smoothie made with berries, banana, and plain yogurt
Long rides call for the slow-release energy offered by protein and whole grains. 

 An egg burrito with sweet potato, spinach, and salsa. Doing a multiday ride? Include water-dense fruits for hydration and anti-inflammatory foods such as walnuts and berries, which help repair muscle tissue and alleviate soreness
A two- to three-hour weekend ride on flat and rolling roads will burn through most of your energy stores, so eating a carb-rich breakfast is essential. Pair grains with fruit, advises Boulder, Colorado-based coach John Hughes: "You can digest more carbs per hour if they're from mixed sources."

Try: Oatmeal (not instant) with milk, berries, and banana

6. 原來雷神是喵星人...

7. Milan Jurčo & Vicente Belda

