2013年12月3日 星期二

20131203 AQ 報報

1. Oleg Tinkov 買下Saxo-Tinkoff

Oleg Tinkov 花了600萬歐,買下100% 股權

Riis Cycling 也更名為Tinkov Sport

Saxo Bank 則退居第二冠名贊助商

對Oleg Tinkov 好奇嗎? 請點這裡,看inrng 剖析


2. 前環西冠軍Juan José Cobo 還找不到約,但即便降級到其他車隊他一樣會繼續騎下去

他表示:I still feel fine physically. I train about 4 or 5 times a week and I'm now building up towards training every day. I am calm. I love to ride my bike and that is important. Maybe I should take a step back. I still have no team but we are talking with a small team to ride for next year in order to come back to a bigger team the year after.


Q 半仙也不知道何時會恢復生機,但像Cobo 這樣繼續保持正面繼續向前行總是好的...


