2. 坎爺獨家專訪|CyclingNews
坎爺這段話真的太棒了! I leave all the passion I have for this sport out there on the road. You saw that at Milan-San Remo, there were two guys on my wheel. What did I do? Pull back? No, I did what I always do – I kept going, I went for it. Even though the strongest doesn’t always win, you can’t hold back. Maybe in recent years, I haven’t won that much but in the end, I was still always competitive and always up there. Given my status and what I’ve won already, that’s almost more important for after my career. Sure, winning Flanders, Roubaix and the Worlds is the best, but I’ve already won those races. I won a lot of respect after the classics last year and again after San Remo and the Olympics this year. I ride to my limit until I fall off my bike. That’s my spettacolo. I do everything I can to win. A lot of people like to see the strongest win all the time, but we know that that sport is not like that. Cycling is not predictable, which is just as well, because otherwise it wouldn’t be such a beautiful sport.
3. Ian Stanndard 瞄準2013 Paris-Roubaix
繼威鯨以及湯馬仕小火車之後,Ian Stanndard 也穿上富有傳統的英國國家冠軍衫
身為2012 整年度domestique 的勞動模範之一
加上古典賽主將Juan Antonio Flecha 琵琶別抱
Ian Stanndard 非常有可能在2013 的古典賽與EBH 合體,大放異彩!!
4. Brailsford 表示:Wiggins to Giro, Froome for Tour
連Shane Sutton 都表示:如果威鯨要成為經典傳奇,他未來的目標應該要放在環義與環西
5. 2012 環西登山王Simon Clarke 獲得Orica-GreenEdge 續約2 年
6. 2012 只剩一個月,讓我們跟著inrng 一起回顧今年是多麼無比精彩,Part 1
車手Thibaut Pinot 單飛贏得2012 環法Stage 8 以及興奮得快要爆血管的隊經理Marc Madiot
引人入勝的故事~ 同時也讓關心環法的高盧人熱血沸騰...的確夠亮點
7. Inside Job:8 週
看得我頭好暈 @@