配樂用Eagles Desperado ?! 這真的品味出眾!
2. J-Rod 呼籲UCI 對於WorldTour 計點制度做出改革
J-Rod 表示:It’s very unbalanced because the points system does not give anything to those who finish further down the classification. They should set it up so it provides a much broader range of points. The winner shouldn’t finish the season with 600 points, he should finish with 15,000. That way a team worker who gets 300 or 400 will have something to offer, in terms of points, to a squad.
3. Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank 簽下Timmy Duggan, Evgeny Petro,也與宮澤崇史續約
Timmy Duggan 比較曲折一點,他今年騎Liquigas-Cannondale 而且拿到米國國家冠軍,被Team SpiderTech 挖走,結果這支車隊為了準備2014 搶Pro Tour 門票,上個月竟然宣佈停止2013 所有的比賽...因此Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank 就趁機再補強
目前現在整隊位於Gran Canaria 互相培養感情~
4. 重訓
4.1. To strengthen the lumbar spine — Do hyper-extensions or “Super Man's”
4.2. To strengthen the abdominals — Do crunches on physio-ball, planks, bridge on ball
4.3. To strengthen the quadriceps – Do squats, leg extensions, dead lifts
4.4. To strengthen the hamstrings – Do hamstring curls, Romanian dead lifts, bridge on ball with hamstring curls
4.5. To strengthen the calves – Do seated or standing calf raises
記得,做完重訓,要給身體24hr 恢復修補喔~
5. J-Rod 在LOMBARDIA 奪冠時的戰馬
6. SRAM 公路車油壓煞變把

Velonews 的報導