出賽名單:Tom Danielson, Tyler Farrar, Ryder Hesjedal, Robbie Hunter, Dan Martin, David Millar, Christian Vande Velde, Johan Vansummeren, David Zabriskie
啥不說,一隊裡有三個人可以擠進GC 前20,甚至前10...真是太超過了!
2. Brajkovic, Vinokourov聯袂帶領 Astana 前進環法
出賽名單:Alexandre Vinokurov (Kaz), Jani Brajkovic (Slo), Borut Bozic (Slo), Dmitry Fofonov (Kaz), Andriy Grivko (Ukr), Maxim Iglinskiy (Kaz), Andrey Kashechkin (Kaz), Fredrik Kessiakoff (Swe), Robert Kiserlovski (Cro)
Brajkovic 已經強到可以獨當一面,對抗眾家GC 人選,毫不畏懼
Vino 的最後一場環法,會迸發出超新星的光芒,或者我們會看到巨星的遲暮?
3. Sky 當然是由威鯨跟盤爺當領頭羊
出賽名單:Bradley Wiggins (GBr), Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor), Mark Cavendish (GBr), Bernhard Eisel (Aut), Chris Froome (GBr), Christian Knees (Ger), Richie Porte (Aus), Michael Rogers (Aus), Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr)
這隊是環法衝刺單站以及GC 1 呼聲最高的勁旅
4. Vacansoleil-DCM 也釋出環法名單
出賽名單:Kris Boeckmans, Johnny Hoogerland, Kenny van Hummel, Gustav Larsson, Marco Marcato, Wout Poels, Rob Ruijgh, Rafael Valls, Lieuwe Westra
可惜Roman Feillu 缺陣,Thomas De Gendt 跑去結婚了...
這支車隊正在轉型,從攻擊性十足的分湯喝車隊轉變成能惡搞GC 榜的勁旅...我很期待
5. RadioShack-Nissan 內鬨不斷,Jakob Fuglsang 不爽環法沒被選上出賽,有可能年底合約到期離隊
但他還不知道他要去哪裡...:I have to consider and find out where I can get the position of captain, which I must have to achieve the results that I dream about. It is difficult, because all teams have one or maybe two captains, but there are teams where it could be easier.
6. 介紹一下這個小朋友Wilco Kelderman
強者我朋友表示:他才21歲耶!今年Critérium du Dauphiné的白衫得主!重點是.....他去年有來騎台灣盃, 那時騎不贏前勁的國手們又如何!那些國手去比Critérium du Dauphiné, 能完賽嗎?
註明一下,Wilco Kelderman 也是Tour of California 的Young rider classification...