2. USADA 指控壯爺使用禁藥,動員美國聯邦的力量來調查
USADA 表示:從2009-2010 的血液樣本來看,壯爺使用EPO 的方式以及怎麼掩過飾非的手法都一致
並且指控從1998 年至今,壯爺與隊醫以及Bruyneel 聯手展開大規模的禁藥黑雲
壯爺表示:I have been notified that USADA, an organization largely funded by taxpayer dollars but governed only by self-written rules, intends to again dredge up discredited allegations dating back more than 16 years to prevent me from competing as a triathlete and try and strip me of the seven Tour de France victories I earned. These are the very same charges and the same witnesses that the Justice Department chose not to pursue after a two-year investigation. These charges are baseless, motivated by spite and advanced through testimony bought and paid for by promises of anonymity and immunity. Although USADA alleges a wide-ranging conspiracy extended over more than 16 years, I am the only athlete it has chosen to charge. USADA's malice, its methods, its star-chamber practices, and its decision to punish first and adjudicate later all are at odds with our ideals of fairness and fair play.
I have never doped, and, unlike many of my accusers, I have competed as an endurance athlete for 25 years with no spike in performance, passed more than 500 drug tests and never failed one. That USADA ignores this fundamental distinction and charges me instead of the admitted dopers says far more about USADA, its lack of fairness and this vendetta than it does about my guilt or innocence.
From Bicycling Magazine, May 2011 (www.bicycling.com), produced by Charlie Layton (www.charlielayton.com)
Cycling Tip 這麼預測
1999: Alex Zulle? He was caught for doping previously but never tested positive in 1999. If not, then Fernando Escartín?
2000: Jan Ullrich? Well, he’s already admitted his mistakes, but he never tested positive. If not, Fernando Escartín again?
2001: Jan Ullrich again? The German Cycling Federation (BDR) has even banned him from Cyclosportifes. Maybe the deceased Kivilev then?
2002: Beloki maybe? He wasn’t caught for doing anything dodgy at the time. Maybe José Azevedo then?
2003: Maybe Ullrich was clean this year. If not, then Haimar Zubeldia is the new winner.
2004: Andreas Klöden is next in line. Even though guilty by association, you gotta love Klödi. If not, José Azevedo wins again.
2005: Basso? Was he on the gear at this time? Maybe Cadel Evans then. I’ll support that.
3. 2012 環法大賽導讀本|譯者,校稿--嘴砲王的心聲