2011年11月13日 星期日

20111113 AQ報報--從一而終的domestique|José Vicente García Acosta

2011 年結束後José Vicente García Acosta 退休了

為了表示敬意,西文Wiki 請點這兒

他1995 年加入Banesto (就是我們現在熟知的Team Movistar,沿革請點這兒)後,一直都在這支車隊

17年職業生涯中,他出賽了15次環西,12次環法...整整27 個Grand Tour(辛老皮你加油點...)


他自己表示他萬萬沒想到他轉職業後就是一路扛轎到底:"My job has always been that of a worker. That was my role as an amateur and I soon realised as a professional that I could make a niche for myself by working for others. I looked a lot towards guys like Marino Alonso, José Ramón Uriarte, Ramonchu [González Arrieta] and then José Luis Arrieta. When you want to learn and work for others, it’s easy. In my first year it took me a lot of effort to get into the right rhythm, but once I did I began to see where I could give the best of myself."

從車手退休之後,他成功的取得directeur sportif 認證,未來他將繼續教練身份在Team Movistar 延續他的單車生涯

