2. 昨天17 秒羅生門,威鯨表示:It’s partly my own fault...
3. 2013 Amgen Tour of California 在即,Bicycling 呈上路線導覽

4. Did I win?
5. Lucy Garner 贏了TOUR OF CHONGMING ISLAND 2013 STAGE 1,職業生涯首勝

才18 歲,已經拿下2011, 2012 World Junior Women Road Race Championships
車隊主將Kirsten Wild 受傷之際,她挺身而出
賽後表示:Today everything fell into place. I feel like I’ve finally reached my top form these last few weeks. It is an amazing feeling to win my first race with the elite women. I had hoped for good results this season, of course, but to be given the opportunity to sprint and finish the job is incredible.