1. Rasmussen 他曾經教過Hesjedal 怎麼使用EPO
而Hesjedal 表示:I have loved and lived this sport but more than a decade ago, I chose the wrong path. And even though those mistakes happened more than 10 years ago, and they were short-lived, it does not change the fact that I made them and I have lived with that and been sorry for it ever since. To everyone in my life, inside and outside the sport — to those that have supported me and my dreams — including my friends, my family, the media, fans, my peers, sponsors — to riders who didn't make the same choices as me all those years ago, I sincerely apologize for my part in the dark past of the sport. I will always be sorry.
Hesjedal 也同時向USADA 以及Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES) 自首,接受約談
2. UCI 從計劃從2015-2020 大幅變革最高階的公路車隊分級以及車隊參賽制度!
月初就有消息,但還不明朗,Q 半仙也就沒報...現在,開會投影片原稿請點這裡
inrng 的剖析與評論
3. 人的腿與汽車引擎一樣,有最佳馬力曲線
At a given power output, reducing the torque load by increasing the cadence can result in a higher power output. The constraint that we have physiologically is that if we push too hard we cut off blood flow to the legs.
There is an optimum torque for a given individual, much like there's an optimal torque range in a car. Generally speaking, there is good research that shows that as power output goes up, the most efficient cadence for that power also goes up. Someone doing 600 watts is going to be able to sustain that power better at 130+rpm, for example, while a lower power output of 200 watts may have an optimum of 70 to 80 rpm.
At high threshold power outputs, if you're not holding at least 80-90rpm you're not going as fast as you could be.
4. 有新的title sponsor 要贊助Team 1T4i(Argos-Shimano) 三年了
Team 1T4i 幹得好!前途無量啊!
5. 折疊式便攜安全帽,有哏!
6. Caffeine which is administered in the form a caffeinated gum increased cycling TT performance lasting ~50-60 min by ~3-4% in both males and females.
2013年10月31日 星期四
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