2013年10月9日 星期三

20131009 AQ 報報


Rui Costa 的數據裡有心跳資料!!真是太甘心啦!

不過...6.X 小時,平均功率296W,平均心跳148bpm...只是狠巴鬼島騎士一掌:往死裡練,還是個庸才啊


Alejandro Valverde 的數據...大牌明星就會把心跳數據抽掉了...

2. Horner 在Twitter 上的抒發...

9.37pm Pacific Daylight Time: 15 years old and up @ 4:30am before school starts to train while dreaming of winning a grand tour. I did that!

9.44pm PDT Riding your bike to work so that you can train for hours in the dark after works done. I did that!

9.53pm PDT Hitching a ride across the country for months w/no money (almost I had 400+-) to race. I did that!

9.58pm PDT Sleeping in hotels,host family houses,cars,and park benches to get to the races. I did that!

10.02pm PDT Pro teams won't give you chance, so you buy your own license and race as an independent. I did that!

10.09pm PDT Race pro for years w/out pay just hoping to make enough winnings to pay rent. I did that!

10.17pm PDT Win everything in the US, pass on the big pay check, go to Europe for minimum pay. #ididthat!

10.27pm PDT Live in Europe in a small apartment W/no car,computer,phone,TV, only a walk for company. #ididthat!

10.28pm PDT Oops. Only a Walkman for company. #ididthat!

10.33pm PDT Take a step back hoping to go forward again. #ididthat!

10.39pm PDT Winning again but told I'm to old to go back to Europe a second time but keep fighting anyways. #ididthat!

10.45pm PDT Sell everything I own for a second chance at a grand tour, fly over with a 140bucks in my pocket. #ididthat!

10.54pm PDT Start going up the ladder with each year passing while never getting that leader respect and belief. #ididthat!

11.00pm PDT Up @6am w/3kids so I can drop them off @school before I go train all day for the Grand tours. #ididthat!

11.03pm PDT Finding that belief, given the leadership, delivering on it. #ididthat!

11.13pm PDT Moving up the ladder w/that continued belief, big sponsors on board now. #ididthat!

11.18pm PDT Whole season disappearing fast but still working hard to make it to those grand tours. #ididthat!

11.21pm PDT Amazing help and belief from all my family, friends, and fans to get back there. #ididthat!

11.32pm PDT Works paid off, forms back, but by now some have lost belief. #ididthat!

11.40pm PDT So much stress & work 4another start at a dream that began many years ago. #ididthat!

11.43pm PDT A life time of work and a stage/jersey arrive and disappear over night.

11.51pm PDT 100% is given and second time it happens, only to pass just as fast but
belief is returning. #ididthat!

12.04am PDT The jersey returned only this time for life, the stories to tell before & during it are epic & life time. #ididthat

12.08am PDT Yes it was worth it and yes the dream continues... With or without the belief. #ididthat!

原來頂級車手也是會熬夜的...TREK 不要那麼小氣,環西冠軍值得簽啦!

3. 2014 的公路車技術發展趨勢

3.1. 空力帽

但是醜不拉嘰,活像80 年代復古品的就算了...Giro 我說你哪~

3.2. 碟煞公路車

UCI 怎麼說呢?

3.3. 公路車三級距:Aero, Sportive, Lightweight

3.4. 輪組百家爭鳴,但真的好用實在的屈指可數...

3.5. 功率計遍地開花,買哪一家都好,就是不要吃碗內看碗外...

3.6. 島野家到底要不要出超大心軸BB,不出也好,反正差不多...出了又是一波腥風血雨...

