2013年10月31日 星期四

20131031 AQ 報報

1. Rasmussen 他曾經教過Hesjedal 怎麼使用EPO

而Hesjedal 表示:I have loved and lived this sport but more than a decade ago, I chose the wrong path. And even though those mistakes happened more than 10 years ago, and they were short-lived, it does not change the fact that I made them and I have lived with that and been sorry for it ever since. To everyone in my life, inside and outside the sport — to those that have supported me and my dreams — including my friends, my family, the media, fans, my peers, sponsors — to riders who didn't make the same choices as me all those years ago, I sincerely apologize for my part in the dark past of the sport. I will always be sorry.

Hesjedal 也同時向USADA 以及Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (CCES) 自首,接受約談


2. UCI 從計劃從2015-2020 大幅變革最高階的公路車隊分級以及車隊參賽制度!

月初就有消息,但還不明朗,Q 半仙也就沒報...現在,開會投影片原稿請點這裡


inrng 的剖析與評論

3. 人的腿與汽車引擎一樣,有最佳馬力曲線

At a given power output, reducing the torque load by increasing the cadence can result in a higher power output. The constraint that we have physiologically is that if we push too hard we cut off blood flow to the legs.

There is an optimum torque for a given individual, much like there's an optimal torque range in a car. Generally speaking, there is good research that shows that as power output goes up, the most efficient cadence for that power also goes up. Someone doing 600 watts is going to be able to sustain that power better at 130+rpm, for example, while a lower power output of 200 watts may have an optimum of 70 to 80 rpm.

At high threshold power outputs, if you're not holding at least 80-90rpm you're not going as fast as you could be.


4. 有新的title sponsor 要贊助Team 1T4i(Argos-Shimano) 三年了


Team 1T4i 幹得好!前途無量啊!

5. 折疊式便攜安全帽,有哏!

6. Caffeine which is administered in the form a caffeinated gum increased cycling TT performance lasting ~50-60 min by ~3-4% in both males and females.


2013年10月30日 星期三

20131030 AQ 報報

1. 新任UCI 總裁薪情好不好?

UCI 揭露,Brian Cookson 擔任總裁的薪水是CHF340,000(就目前匯率,約NTD11,220,000),比起上一任Pat McQuaid 少了CHF110,000


2. Astana 對反禁藥車隊聯盟MPCC 玩了一把巧妙手段,簽下Franco Pellizotti

MPCC 規則2:Can’t hire, until two years, a rider tested positive and suspended more than six months.

想知道更多MPCC 規則請點這裡

但很顯然的Astana 簽下Franco Pellizotti,隨車隊練習...直到2014 年5 月再讓他上場

CyclingNews 認為:Astana appears ready to try to bend the MPCC rules by signing a contract with Pellizotti that begins on January 1 and allowing him to wear the Astana jersey and attend training camps.

但inrng 表示:This isn't bending the rules, it's breaking them.

Q 半仙認同inrng 的觀點!

3. Lampre-Merida 任命新team manager:Brent Copeland

主要是借重他的長才重建車隊並與國際接軌...看看Lampre-Merida 簽下世錦冠軍Rui Costa 擔任多日賽以及爆缸賽主將,留任Filippo Pozzato 對付石板路,而Diego Ulissi 也留下來鎖定單日賽...除此之外,也簽下Sacha Modolo 主攻衝刺,以及中國人徐剛開發426市場

4. Who had the biggest year in 2013? Albert Timmer!

Timmer--荷蘭文裡的"木匠"--沒有顯赫戰功,UCI 排名第110,甚至一整年Q 半仙都沒看到他的報導,但他是Argos-Shimano 衝刺列車裡重要的發動機,多少麥雞頭的勝績是他頂上來的

除此之外,無論是出賽里程還是出賽日都高居WorldTour peloton 之冠...


5. 騎車前,吃什麼早餐好?

How to Fuel for Your Ride
Moderately paced commuteHigh-intensity race or rideCentury or other long rideWeekend group ride
On days when your slow-to-moderate rides are sandwiched around an eight-hour desk session, avoid fast-burning fuel. Instead, reach for protein, healthy fats, and high-fiber veggies, fruits, and grains, which will keep hunger at bay until lunchtime. 

 Scrambled eggs with vegetables, mixed berries, and a slice of high-fiber toast with nut butter
Your body will be left with little energy for digestion. "Top off your glycogen stores with extra carbs the night before," says Marrs. Two hours preride, eat a low-fiber breakfast with a small amount of protein plus fast-release fuels, which clear your system quickly. ­

 A piece of toast and a smoothie made with berries, banana, and plain yogurt
Long rides call for the slow-release energy offered by protein and whole grains. 

 An egg burrito with sweet potato, spinach, and salsa. Doing a multiday ride? Include water-dense fruits for hydration and anti-inflammatory foods such as walnuts and berries, which help repair muscle tissue and alleviate soreness
A two- to three-hour weekend ride on flat and rolling roads will burn through most of your energy stores, so eating a carb-rich breakfast is essential. Pair grains with fruit, advises Boulder, Colorado-based coach John Hughes: "You can digest more carbs per hour if they're from mixed sources."

Try: Oatmeal (not instant) with milk, berries, and banana

6. 原來雷神是喵星人...

7. Milan Jurčo & Vicente Belda

2013年10月26日 星期六

20131026 AQ 報報

1. 好油壓電變Shimano R785 electric/hydraulic road system

評論好得Q 半仙都想來一套了,不過輪組...

2. Richie Porte 終於熬出頭了,他會率領Sky boys 戰2014 Giro d’Italia

不然Sky 還有誰可以分兵出來?

3. Movistar 簽下Dayer Quintana

Quintana 兄弟合體!

除了他們,一級車隊中兄弟檔最有名的是Andy, Frank Schleck @Trek,同隊還有Boy, Danny van Poppel;Juraj, Peter Sagan @Cannondale;剛加入Orica-GreenEdge 的英倫雙胞胎Adam, Sean Yates 更是讓他們對上有兩對兄弟(另一對是Cameron, Travis Meyer)

4. Hoogerland 終於落腳Androni Giocattoli

5. 福島晉一從賽場上退休了,接著他要去法國La Pomme Marseille 車隊當助理教練

對於未來目標他表示:My ultimate goal is to create a professional team and get a start at the Tour de France. I did not have the ability nor the opportunity to do it as a rider but I want to take Asian riders to that level in the future.

2013年10月25日 星期五

20131025 AQ 報報

1. 2014 環法路線公佈,大牌GC 車手都表示期待...而史妹更是誇口:The Tour next year is for me.

是啊是啊...你就拼到最後,然後等著ITT 被翻盤吧...

2. Andreas Klöden 宣布退休

又是Trek 不給合約造成的...唉...某部分的去阿姆斯壯禁藥化

這麼一來,東德勢力只剩下Voigt 了...

3. 阿龍嫂已經向UCI 註冊車隊名稱了:Fernando Alonso Cycling Team

各界乳摸沙公以及康爺都會轉而投奔...讓我們拭目以待2014-2015 的大遷徙吧!

4. 你出多少錢-要讓家鄉變為環法起終點得花多少去賄賂ASO?

Cost of stage: 900,000 Swiss francs. Winning: priceless!


2014 環法從英倫群島上起跑,更是花了£10 million,ASO 名利雙收啊!


5. 直擊SRM 科羅拉多廠

接下來,就是BikeRadar 製作SRM PK 其他功率計Stages, PowerTap, Pioneer, Garmin Vector 特輯


6. National Hill Climb Championships 2013 on Oct. 27

看看人家怎麼趁著沒有UCI 限制時惡搞自己的爬坡車



National Hill Climb Championships 從1944 年開辦...因此,武嶺賽一甲子,應該就有機會...

2013年10月24日 星期四

20131024 AQ 報報

1. 2014 Tour de France 路線發表

Stage 1: Leeds > Harrogate
Stage 2: York > Sheffield
Stage 3: Cambridge > London
Stage 4: Le Touquet Paris-Plage > Lille
Stage 5: Ypres > Arenberg Porte du Hainaut
Stage 6: Arras > Reims
Stage 7: Epernay > Nancy
Stage 8: Tomblaine > Gérardmer
Stage 9: Gérardmer > Mulhouse
Stage 10: Mulhouse > Planche des Belles Filles
Rest day in Besançon
Stage 11: Besançon > Oyonnax
Stage 12: Bourg-en-Bresse > Saint-Etienne
Stage 13: Saint-Etienne > Chamrousse
Stage 14: Grenoble > Risoul
Stage 15: Tallard > Nîmes
Rest day in Carcassonne
Stage 16: Carcassonne > Bagnères-de-Luchon
Stage 17: Saint-Gaudens > St-Lary-Soulan (Pla d’Adet)
Stage 18: Pau > Hautacam
Stage 19: Maubourguet val d’Adour > Bergerac
Stage 20: Bergerac > Périgueux (TT)
Stage 21: Evry > Paris



結束第一週驚心動魄的懷舊之旅,在Besançon QK一晚

阿爾卑斯山系的距離較長,讓擅長爬坡的弗嚕米與緊塔那...可以好好數算一下新仇舊恨,特別是緊塔那又剛好在這一段贏了2010 Tour de l’Avenir...


庇里牛斯山系各站又短又硬斗,2013 端出Mont Ventoux 與Alpe-d'Huez,2014 改到Col du Tourmalet 朝聖...本週就看誰能忍住不爆缸...

最後,為了紀念最後一位環法連霸王者Miguel Indurain選在1994 年環法ITT 舊戰場Bergerac,遙想20 年前的激烈戰況,只不過2014 年不像當時跑足了夭壽的64km ITT,路線只有54km...但要翻盤也夠了


2013年10月23日 星期三

20131023 AQ 報報

1. Cannondale 宣布完全買斷Cannondale Pro Cycling team 以及Brixia Sports,而且也停止繼續與Tinkoff Credit Systems 協商

據報導Oleg Tinkov 想要以6 百萬歐買下車隊55% 股權

幸好Cannondale 母公司Dorel 夠精明,沒葬送這支車隊的未來

2. 剛拿到CX 世界杯第一站冠軍的Van der Haar,決定與Argos-Shimano 農場簽約

可以跟他女朋友Lucy 雙宿雙飛...而且,反正還是騎GIANT...

3. Scarponi 明年要轉去Astana

因為Lampre-Merida 為新任世錦賽冠軍Rui Costa 鋪路,擠壓到大叔的生存空間

很明顯的Astana 是為了泥趴裡而強化轎夫陣容

4. Tom Jelte Slagter 覺得Belkin 勒索他

就今年環法前Belkin 威脅Tom Jelte Slagter,不簽新約就不給騎環法

Tom Jelte Slagter 沒簽...他選擇明年轉隊到Garmin-Sharp

Q 半仙覺得果然Belkin 怪怪的...最近派Theo Bos 去橫掃環海南島,年輕人都要離隊...GIANT 轉投Argos-Shimano...

5. 職業車手的傳承,不能等!


2013年10月22日 星期二

20131022 AQ 報報

1. 環法賽事總監Jean-François Pescheux 退休了

從1982 他進到Amaury Group 工作

到2013 退休


他 是 傳 奇

2. Chris Froome & Sir Bradley Wiggins 非常有可能攜手跑2014 Tour de France

3. Dombrowski 以Japan Cup Top 10 結束他的亞成鳥年

他表示:I came out of the first year learning a lot. I’ll go into next year with a lot better perspective of what I’ll get myself into. Really, I took in everything this season,” he added. “How to operate within a team, fulfilling different roles, getting bottles and jackets, riding at the front, or even having the opportunity as a leader now and then. You learn in each of those positions. Adapting to more racing and harder training. Off the bike, more time in Europe.

這孩子會越來越強的! Q 半仙非常看好!

4. 還有15 員Euskaltel-Euskadi 車手不知未來在哪裡,包括Samuel Sanchez & Igor Anton

只有6 名幸運兒確保明年有合約:Romain Sicard to Europcar, Mikel Nieve to Sky, Mikel Landa to Astana, Ion & Gorka Izaguirre to Movistar, Ricardo Mestre 與Continental 車隊Portuguese squad Efapel 簽約


5. Ursus 銅煞車邊碳輪

用HTG 膠把1mm 厚的銅圈與碳框膠合,促進散熱,讓剎車溫度降到攝氏70-100 度

C25(框高25mm)輪組重:前600g/ 後750g;C50(框高50mm)輪組重:前695g/ 後845g

價格都是2400 鎂...真是 充滿了靈魂與熱情啊...Ursus 官網請點這裡

6. CyclingTips 選 2013 賽季重點回顧

2013年10月21日 星期一

20131021 AQ 報報

1. 恭喜 Laura Trott 拿下歐洲錦標賽Omnium 金牌

2. 恭喜Lars van der Haar 拿下CX 世界杯考堡站冠軍

又出現了新生代CX 高手,Q 半仙會注意他是因為他是Lucy Garner 的男朋友

喔...Marianne Vos 也拿下CX 世界杯考堡站女子組冠軍...術後恢復是不是這麼好哇~

3. 2013 Japan Cup



福島晉一 完全燃燒,最終以第39 名進終點,之後的人全部DNF

Michael Rogers (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) 奪冠


4. Caleb Ewan 簽進ORICA-GreenEDGE,2014 Oct. 開始成為stagiaire

2013年10月20日 星期日

20131020 AQ 報報

1. Horner 不會待在TREK 車隊:Thanks to the staff, riders, and sponsors at @RSLT for a great four years. I'll be going somewhere else for 2014.


Horner 都公開了自己的Bio-passport,為什麼還會有這麼多風波,因為...Expected haemoglobin decrease not seen during 2013 Vuelta!

會解讀生物護照裡頭數據的人,就知道其中有鬼...否則,即便像Q 半仙像馬嬰囧這麼大義凜然的人看到Horner 開誠布公,也會死忠的相信他的清白

而Horner 公開他的Bio-passport 或許已經使得車隊裡的作弊策略有可能被解開...TREK 當然要清理門戶,免得...

2. 2013 Taiwan KOM Challenge 該不該出發秤一下選手車子?


而BikeRumor 這時卻出現這張照片~

就UCI 規定,你說該不該秤啊? 該不該? 該不該?

不該!為什麼? 請看參加須知第10 條好好笑的簡章,根本就沒把UCI 規則放進去啊...XD

3. Shimano BR-R785 油壓碟煞體驗與測試

這句話最重要了:This was the first of three days of testing and the brakes were still wearing in, hence quite noisy. By day 3, the noise had all but disappeared.

2013年10月17日 星期四

20131017 AQ 報報

1. Movistar 確認會贊助車隊直到2016 年

2. SKY 準備要升Richie Porte 當Grand Tour 主將了

Grand Tour 主將要素:1. TT 要好到能在GC favorites 佔前三甲,2. 爬坡要跟得上GC favorites

就SKY 來說:威鯨已經表態會好好"享受比賽",所以也別指望太多;弗嚕米當仁不讓是大當家;爆炸鈾與波提爭二當家,但爆炸鈾轉往歡樂OPQS 了...波提自然頂上來;Henao...ㄣ...等你摘下牙套再說吧~難保他約滿不會溜去OPQS 幫同胞

3. 距離Tour Down Under 不到100 天



3.1. CX...不比賽,練習也很好,除非你是威鯨...

3.2. 進場地轉兩圈


不過得提一下爭取2016 里約奧運場地賽名額的盤爺,以及Bryan Coquard, Elia Viviani...他們就得認真地去掙積分...

3.3. 進風洞,看能不能再榨出一點優勢

3.4. 雖然有些車手的合約裡嚴禁滑雪免得傷關節,但雷神以及Jérôme Coppel (Cofidis) 這些滑雪狂早就已經興致勃勃地在雪板上蠟了

3.5. 經過一整年的飲食控管,吃美食是許多選手犒賞自己一年的方式,但小心像Ullrich 當年...

3.6. 由於多日賽的GC 1 積分遠優於單日古典賽,許多車手當然會摩拳擦掌,等著Tour Down Under 開紅盤...Slagter 就這麼一戰成名,搶下車隊整年度唯一的WorldTour GC 1

3.7. 開個趴

2013年10月16日 星期三

20131016 AQ 報報

1. 好糖不團?

2. 一萬八索會比Japan Cup,這表示...



3. 計成在環北京受訪,豪情萬千:We need more races.

他表示:The Chinese are the same as the Europeans. I’m that example, if you have a good program, you can improve and make it to the top level. I can do it; the others can do it as well.

反觀鬼島呢? 徵召二級職業隊選手去比東亞運...經典賽模式是吧~

We do not need more ass!

4. SWISSSIDE FRANC:前18,後24 2:1,寬4mm 扁鋼絲...深得我心



2013年10月15日 星期二

20131015 AQ 報報

1. 2013 UCI Women World Cup: Behind the scene

2. CONI 判多次失手被抓到禁藥Danilo di Luca 終生禁賽

3. David Millar 打算比完2014 賽季就退休


4. Marianne Vos 接受下背囊腫切除手術

唉唉...CX 賽季剛開跑呢...

5. 史妹跑去當Ultegra 油碟發表會神秘嘉賓

6. 這輛車,夠未來!

2013年10月14日 星期一

Paris - Tours 2013

Route:Authon-du-Perche - Tours 235km

1 John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Argos-Shimano
2 Michael Morkov (Den) Team Saxo-Tinkoff
3 Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ

不是我想點明,Belkin 是很積極搶勝,卻在這場比賽後段小動作頻頻...連Degenkolb 都不爽:I’m disappointed in Belkin. I know they didn’t want us to catch Bol they didn’t do it in such a good way. It will have consequences in the future.

相對於大鳴大放的2012,今年Degenkolb 的勝績就黯然很多...幸好,歐陸放假前還能撈個古典賽冠軍(雖然不是WorldTour 等級...)

2013年10月12日 星期六

20131011 AQ 報報

1. 健忘的Q 半仙竟然忘了明天要比the sprinter's classic:Paris-Tours

請看 賽前介紹|inrng

這是歐陸的最後一個大比賽(也是AQ 報報今年的最後一場比賽報導,不要跟Q 半仙題環北京...)

比完之後要隔147 天,到了2014 年2 月底才有Omloop Het Nieuwsblad

而2014 AQ 報報賽季,當然是從一月,熱得半死的澳洲Tour Down Under 開始囉~

什麼? Paris-Tours 等級1.HC,不如環北京的WorldTour 高階?

別傻了~Paris-Tours 從上上個世紀(1896 年,台灣才剛進入日本時代)就開始,有歷史有熱情有靈魂...環北京拿什麼比? 有臭錢有奸情有空污?


2. 明年確定升級的Team Europcar 找來Harmonie Mutuelle 助拳,錢不是問題了

Harmonie Mutuelle 是法國健康保險公司,會贊助兩年

ㄛ!對了!之前來過台灣比2012 Taiwan KOM Challenge 的Anthony Charteau 今年賽季比完,宣布退休了