2014 TREK 沒留位子給 Andreas Klöden, Maxime Monfort,殘念...
因此嗑魯蛋與IAM 接頭,Maxime Monfort 與Lotto Belisol 商談中
倒是TREK 簽下了比利時TT 國家冠軍 Kristoff Vandewalle (OPQS),明顯是要補強古典組深度
而Lotto Belisol 與Maxime Monfort 商談的同時,也想把在Eneco Tour 表現強勁的前荷蘭冠軍Pim Ligthart 一起納入旗下
2. 威鯨騎完明年賽季後,就會回到場地賽舞台,準備2016 里約奧運
SKY 就交給弗嚕米了,他表示:I don't mind admitting that Chris is probably a better Grand Tour rider than me. He is a much better climber, he can time-trial well. He has age on his side, he has no kids. That's fine. If Chris wants to, he could potentially win five Tours now. So if I want to win another Tour, I'd probably have to leave the team. No, I love this team. This is my home. I'm not going to go, 'I want to be the leader still, so I'm off.
但如果弗嚕米受傷呢,威鯨會接受徵召重披戰袍? 他說:I can't put all this weight on and then suddenly lose muscle and do GC again. Anyway, the next person in line, the natural successor, is Richie Porte. He really is the next one who could potentially win the Tour.
面對過去一年與弗嚕米擡面上或是擡面下的齟齬,他認為:I was thinking: 'You know what, I am quite happy with my lot. I've achieved everything I want to achieve. I am good at what I am good at; I am good at the odd time-trial. I've already won the Tour de France, no one can take that away from me.' You can look at it two ways. You can go: 'F****** hell, he's got my crown.' Or, you can think: 'You know what, this race is unbelievable. I did this last year. How did I do it?' A year ago, I took everything in my stride, but a year later, you are on the outside watching it and it is inspiring in some ways, watching the guys doing what they were doing. And in a way I was like: 'I'm glad I'm not there because it looks bloody hard.
Q 半仙認為,威鯨不愧是勳爵,胸懷海量啊~