對於隻身一人離開舒適圈打拼,他表示:I guess I have a bit more perspective on it. Like, there are things that I would change. When I came to Nice, basically the only person who I knew was [teammate Ian] Boswell. We talked about living together … we figured maybe we’re good friends, we want to keep it that way. Sometimes you’re around someone so much, and then things can go downhill. One of the things that I’ve found difficult is living by myself in a different country. I’ll probably try to find another one of the Americans and have a roommate here and get out a bit and meet people and just establish like a normal life here. Just so that — if you’re not here and you don’t feel like you live here and you don’t feel like it’s home, then it’s hard to be motivated to race well, especially when there’s a lot of compounding things. Last year I went from riding on a U-23 team, where I went to most races as a leader. And you’re racing at a lower level, and you’re winning races and you’re getting good results. When everything’s going good, it’s easy. Not that it’s been a bad season for me, but it’s definitely another level up.
目前凳布鑼司機住在法國尼斯,剛用他從Sky 賺來的薪水買了第一輛車:Ford Fiesta...
2. PowerTap 推出Bluetooth app 與套件
PowerTap 前陣子調降價格之後,又有了新點子
藍牙心跳帶(看來是死很快的那種舊款帶子...)與速度/迴轉感應器;最特別的是G3 的藍牙花鼓蓋!
3. 操到貢鼎?!愛租已...
3.1.1. 覺得筋疲力盡
3.1.2. 感到很累
3.1.3. 脾氣變得暴躁,會有突然的情緒起伏
3.1.4. 不理性
3.1.5. 對於其他活動也提不起勁兒
3.1.6. 沈淪在憂鬱中
3.1.7. 胃口不好
3.1.8. 頭痛
3.1.9. 意外創傷機會增加
3.1.10. 睡不好
3.1.11. 對運動沒有熱情
3.1.12. 運動表現低落
試著填這個表,你有多少時間可以投入訓練? 正常的生活才能排出完整的訓練計劃
除此之外,要是發現上述症狀...請趕緊服用下列良方(Q 半仙經驗,屢試不爽)
3.2.1. 訓練中排一天恢復日
3.2.2. 一周不要碰車,連看都不要看!
3.2.3. 去馬兩節,或是穿壓縮裝
3.2.4. 試試看水療,或是輕鬆游游泳
3.2.5. 好好吃好好睡多喝水別喝酒
3.2.6. 做一些別的活動才保持對生命的熱忱
3.2.7. 找個專業教練