早期的Four-sided sensor array 原形
是的~當車友們問說其他踏板系統有沒有機會升級,Garmin 技研的確是有這麼想
因為這一套功率計本來設計者是要裝上SPEEDPLAY Zero 踏板啊...
而且現在Garmin 與Exustar 合作生產Garmin Vector 踏板,別忘記Exustar 廠裡有完整的SPD 卡踏生產線
大膽假設一下,其實只要踏板軸精度夠,又可以挖出足夠空間塞進eight piezoresistive strain gauges...
不侷限於LOOK 卡子系統,SPD-SL,TIME(Q 半仙不期不待...),甚至淑女車踏板搞不好也都能變功率踏板...
畢竟,Garmin 開啓了踏板功率計這個潘朵拉盒,未來發展性是無可限量的
例:How much energy is wasted exerting a radial force on the cranks instead of a more purely tangential one? How does varus/valgus foot position affect power output in real time? Is there anything about your pedal stroke – other than an obvious reduction in power – that's indicative of fatigue?
倒是hysiologists, coaches, scientists, biomechanists, fitters...你們準備好要一窺究竟了嗎?