Route:Policastro - Serra San Bruno 246km
1 Enrico Battaglin (Ita) Bardiani Valvole-CSF Inox
2 Fabio Felline (Ita) Androni Giocattoli
3 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Movistar Team
SKY 屋漏偏逢連夜雨
最後10km,進山區的雨勢讓Danilo Di Luca (Vini Fantini) 的鬥志燃燒的更旺盛,帶Robinson Chalapud (Colombia) 突圍
SKY 讓他們走了...反正一定追得到...
最後5km 標牌過了,他們也只剩10s 優勢
爬坡高手們在最後350m 抓回兔子,小集團衝刺,所有GC Favorite "幾乎"都在...
Enrico Battaglin (Bardiani Valvole-CSF Inox) 壓線!
不愧是被譽為近20 年來最有天份的義大利超新星,為歐陸車壇丟下震撼彈!
雖然Enrico Battaglin 也是同一個小鎮Marostica 出身,但他跟1981 環義冠軍Giovanni Battaglin 沒有血緣關係(點這裡)
後來又因為其他人在最後3km 摔車,擋到他;經由主辦單位調閱錄影帶,判給他落後17s 進終點(雖然SKY 呼籲環義官方要給個公平正義,但還是維持原判)
這下可好,TTT 掙來的優勢全沒了,而且還暴露他的陡坡能力不足...
CyclingNews 相關報導,CyclingTips 相關報導,VeloNews 相關報導
UCI 是這樣規定的,2.6.027 In the case of a duly noted fall, puncture or mechanical incident in the last three kilometers of a road race stage, the rider or riders involved shall be credited with the time of the rider or riders in whose company they were riding at the moment of the accident. His or their placing shall be determined by the order in which he or they actually cross the finishing line.
參考閱讀:Three Kilometre Rule|inrng
除此之外,SKY 副將Dario Cataldo 在TTT 後當晚身體不適,這兩站非常艱辛
昨天落後近20mins 進終點
本站,落後28min20s 進終點
最糟的兩站撐過來了,未來幾站應該會看到他漸漸回到SKY 列車
Luca Paolini’s pink Canyon Ultimate CF SLX
從ORICA GreenEDGE 的觀點看環義 Stage 3&4