2. 威不可擋的泥巴裡

3. 雖然泥巴裡拿了環義冠軍,但WorldTour 積分領先的仍是坎爺...TREK 確定來年會冠名贊助RadioShack-Leopard,坎爺也極可能留下來
在車隊老闆Flavio Becca 意興闌珊之時,有錢挹注,留下大牌,有助於WorldTour 賽證的申請,當然好囉
不過文末車隊的聲明實在很妙:The future of the RadioShack Leopard team is in the hands of the current team owners. Trek is committed to racing at the highest level and we are currently assessing options for 2014. Trek cannot comment on behalf of Mr. Becca.
TEAM IAM 的坎爺加盟夢破滅,哭哭...
4. Brussels Express
讓我們看看在全世界最擁擠的城市(只有4% 單車通行率),自行車快遞們的景況
Brussels Express from Sander Vandenbroucke on Vimeo.