泥巴裡不跟Liquigas-CANNONDALE 續約,要走了
泥巴裡拒絕了Liquigas-CANNONDALE 提出的180 萬歐的合約,據說Astana 跟BMC(又是萬惡美帝!)開出250 萬歐虛位以待
車隊經理Roberto Amadio 表示:Our offer was made (1.8 million Euros per year), we gave the boy time to properly evaluate our proposal, but we have not received any response. For us the matter is closed.But it is also true that there are several proposals and we really offered him as much money as we can. We are all professionals: we and him. There are not problems now and there will be none.
這...那...今年環法Liquigas-CANNONDALE 主將會是誰?
難道又是一個見錢眼開的? liquigas算是很不錯的車隊,抬轎功力很強,真的蠻可惜的。