這難道也表示Omega Pharma-QuickStep 的車架贊助要從現行的Eddy Merckx 為了盤爺跟白眼馬丁換成Specialized?!
還是因為盤爺在世錦賽Specialized 幫他很多?
2. Leipheimer也是因為Specialized 推一把才決定加入Omega Pharma-Quick Step
閃電牌車架+BG fit 有沒有這麼威啊...
3. Pro Tour 車隊環北京最怕的是...誤食Clenbuterol...
Garmin-Cervelo 隊經理Jonathan Vaughters 指出他的隊員在參加環北京期間禁止吃豬肉與牛肉...魚跟雞可以...
CyclingNews 以下這段話挺幽默的
According to Vaughters the fear wouldn't be over testing positive in China but once the athletes leave the countries. For example, an out of competition test taken in Europe or the US in a two to three day window after the race could lead to a positive. Testing will be carried out during the race, contrary to rumours that circulated on the web in the build up to the race. However the Beijing lab used for testing is not as precise in detecting clenbuterol as some other labs.
4. 昨天把無道德T38 換上車騎訓練台
無道德T38 板框高無道德Tourmalet 13mm
無道德T38 鋼絲前後輪皆比無道德Tourmalet 多四支
我體重74kg...也許65kg 左右的騎士會感覺好一點
回覆刪除其實74kg 是我最近比較不忌口胖了...