Team Sky training camp in Mallorca,燈光美氣氛佳,拿出超爽下台階方案,上演大和解剛剛好
威鯨封爵之後,據說會開始準備輔佐弗嚕米衛冕2014 環法
2. Velo Awards: Peter Sagan...年度最多才多藝的車手
個人勝績可抵一隊,更別說他超會作秀...這種不世出的天才,砍儂屌千萬要hold 住,別被阿龍嫂搶走啊
3. What is pre-season testing about?
3.1. 生理測試:‘Step-Test’
Essentially, riders will do five minute efforts starting at 100W, increase that load every five minutes thereafter until they can do no more. 'Clearing 450W' would mean holding 450 for five minutes, after holding 400, 350, 300, 250 etc consecutively. A ‘good’ test for an elite rider is anywhere between 400-500W clearance, with the bigger guys getting, on average higher numbers.
But it’s all relative. If a little guy (under 70kgs) can get close to holding 400-450W he’s done pretty well. As a matter of perspective, the best Grand Tour riders can generally ‘clear’ 500W. The purpose is to ascertain how much load riders can hold, and on balance, how efficient their body is at producing power. It’s fascinating to watch. It all starts gently enough but 15 minutes in, beads of sweat are growing on foreheads; 25 minutes in jaws dropped, mouths open. At 35 minutes few riders are still in the game.
3.2. 醫學檢查
3.3. 生化測量
有心跳表跟功率計的車友可以玩玩Step-Test...Q 半仙自有記錄以來,好像只玩到Clearing 280W 就縮缸了...十足庸才
4. GIANT 澳洲區抽掉對Drapac 的車架贊助
SWIFT 馬上接手

嗯, 以後回常在廠區看到這車架...
回覆刪除這倒是真的, 銷售呀...