2013年11月27日 星期三

20131127 AQ 報報

1. Baden Cooke 宣布退休

歷經14 年職業生涯,拿過6 站環法冠軍,身穿2003 環法綠衫...

他表示:After 14 years racing at the highest level, I am moving on. Having the honour of finishing my career with Australia’s first own World Tour team has been a dream. Racing surrounded by my best mates has been a phenomenal experience. I am very proud of my career and am ready for my next adventure. I feel blessed having had the life and career that I always dreamed of having since I was a little boy starting out at Benalla Cycling club with a BMX and a stack hat. All I ever wanted in life was to race bikes professionally. I never thought I would have so much success and win the races that I did. I am retiring from racing at a professional level but I will continue to train and don’t be surprised to see me pop up at a local race.

未來,他將會在Monaco 成立運動管理公司,要培養更多澳洲的超新星們站上世界舞台

2. 愛爾蘭國家冠軍Matt Brammeier 被Champion System 惡意滅隊之後,與Synergy Baku 簽約

水往低處流,人往高處爬,Matt Brammeier 也不想屈就


扒褲車隊的背後金主非常有錢,也許會讓車隊循Astana 模式爬上世界頂端...即或不然,luee 也給得不錯啊~

3. Tejay van Garderen 決定不衛冕環加州,要拼環法

但是隊友飛泥的篇幅比TJ 還多是怎麼回事...

每到了歲末,Q 半仙就會覺得BMC 來年必定大有可為,但幾年過去了...除了囧爺穿黃衫以及TJ 不斷成長,還有飛泥一直扮花美男...

2014 的BMC,拜託~~Q 半仙等著貴隊古典賽與Grand Tour 大放異彩

4. Mustafa Sayar...Tour of Turkey...EPO...UCI...水落石出?

AQ 相關報報一AQ 相關報報二

5. 職業公路車壇:真男人的世界|inrng

inrng 的觀點Q 半仙認同


